Change the number of decimals and significant values in reports
The standard version of the program shows the value for each nutrient with as many numbers and decimals as are considered meaningful to understand and to be able to form the basis for your practical decision when feeding. This value is usually called Significant Figures, or sometimes Value Figures. The number of significant figures can be changed in the PC-Horse Consult version. Value figures or significant figures that are a measure of how accurate a near value is. Ie with how many figures a value should be displayed to be meaningful in its context.
In addition to this, the number of decimals for minerals and vitamins can also be changed in the program reports.
The two ways to change this are described below.
In the Consultant version, you can choose between two different settings for how many Value Figures or significant figures to be displayed in the horse's reports.
Reports that are affected: The horse's needs, The horse's ration (The display of feed values is not affected in feed screens and tables).
Go to Settings Select the tab "Settings / Nutrients".
A. STANDARD: The setting uses 2 significant digits (3 for energy and protein)
B. MY CHOICE: The setting uses 3 significant digits for all nutrients
Some examples: If the exact value entered in an individual feed for a certain nutrient is:
Vitamin D VALUE 2468 mg / kg
STANDARD 2500 (2 significant digits are shown)
MY CHOICE 2470 (3 significant digits are shown)
Calcium VALUE 4.372 g / kg
STANDARD 4.40 (2 significant digits are shown)
MY CHOICE 4.37 (3 significant digits are displayed)
A daily ration of calcium contains 25.73 g
STANDARD (2 significant digits) with 0 decimals shows 26
STANDARD (2 significant digits) with 1 decimal place shows 26.0
STANDARD (2 significant digits) with 2 decimals shows 26.00
MY SELECTION (3 significant digits) with 0 decimals shows 26 (the rounded value is not displayed)
MY CHOICE (3 significant digits) with 1 decimal place shows 25.7
MY CHOICE (3 significant digits) with 2 decimals shows 25.70
MY CHOICE (3 significant digits) with 3 decimals shows 25,700
For a nutrient that is present in smaller amounts, eg Selén = 0.0357 mg, the significant value in the report will show:
STANDARD to 2 decimal places (standard) = 0.04 mg
MY CHOICE with 3 decimals used = 0.036 mg
You influence the number of decimals to be displayed for each nutrient by changing the values in the "My decimals" column.
Reset your selection to Default mode with the reset button